mendoza house

They say art is a reflection
of man’s soul, and this
masterpiece of a property
by the beach is a testament
to its resident’s own.

Like a true artist, Mendoza
designs homes by instinct
“I don’t find reasons to
create, Otherwise, it ceases
to become art,” he explains.

Whilst he takes a very
hands on approach when it
comes to selection of  materials
and is particular about
details such as textures and
colours to use, he is not
constrained by any rules in

Rather, he taps into a well
spring of knowledge and
years of experience to lead
his work. It is precisely for
this reason that he considers
his property by Tall
Beach as his best and
favourite work

It is an impecable display
of J Antonio Mendoza’s 
expertise and montage of
influences like brush to canvas,
he created his dream home
from a palette of passion
and skill


Taller Philippines
J Antonio Mendoza The Art Of Living
by Nicole Sundiong


Photograph by  Albert Lim XS

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